“Education: National Goal, Local Vision” – The Federation of Local Authorities in Israel’s and Mifal HaPais’ National Education Conference 2021

In the midst of the Corona epidemic and while adhering to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, we developed and produced in ICC Jerusalem the National Education Conference of The Federation of Local Authorities in Israel’s and Mifal HaPais. In the conference’s morning plenary session, Minister of Education Yifat Shasha-Biton presented the plan for […]
MUNIEXPO – The 10th Federation of Local Authorities in Israel Conference – In the Sign of Shared Life

We in Think believe that behind the complex reflection of Israeli reality there is life itself, and within it, people who strive to co-exist in peace. That is why we chose to create the 10th Federation of Local Authorities in Israel Conference in the sign of shared life. Into this theme we poured content that […]
The Federation of Local Authorities Conference
Muni Expo 2019

The theme for this year’s event was ‘Innovation’. The morning assembly opened with a powerful and cutting-edge multimedia show – through a stunning technology of projection on live actors, the show presents Israel as a center of global innovation, and the local authorities as an integral part of the Start-Up Nation’s essence. The festive noon […]
The Federation of Local Authorities Conference
Muni Expo 2020

Since 2012 we’ve been developing and producing the annual convention of the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister, with over 1000 international participants Ministers, Members of Parliament, local authority leaders, government officials, business leaders, academics and media representatives. The convention features the MUNI EXPO exhibition of urban innovation and smart cities.
The event’s format changes each year in accordance with the partners and goals. Each year we define a theme that is being expressed through the contents of the opening assembly, round-table discussions and a festive event which features multimedia performances, artist performances, videos, key note addresses and Innovation and Education Awards ceremony.
The Federation of Local Authorities Conference
Muni Expo 2018

This year’s convention, in partnership with the Jewish National Fund under the theme ‘Moving Cities Together’, celebrated 80 years of the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel, and 70 years of Israeli independence. The morning assembly was held with the presence of Israeli Prime Minister and prominent Ministers, and was moderated by journalist and anchorwoman […]
The Federation of Local Authorities Conference
Muni Expo 2017

This year’s convention was held in partnership with the National Jewish Fund under the theme ‘Moving Cities to Innovation Together’. The NJF celebrated at the convention 115 years since its establishment. The gala event, in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister, told the story of the collaboration between NJF and the Federation of Local Authorities […]
The Federation of Local Authorities Conference
Muni Expo 2016

This year’s Federation of Local Authorities in Israel’s convention was held in the city of Haifa, for the first time in partnership with the Jewish National Fund, under the theme ‘Moving Cities Together’. The moving gala evening told the story of the collaboration between FLAI and JNF, while emphasizing the strength of each individual organization. […]
The Federation of Local Authorities Conference 2013

This year, alongside the convention, we produced an evening event at the Dan Panorama Tel Aviv hotel, celebrating the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel’s 75th anniversary. The event, held in the presence of Israeli President, municipal leaders, opinion leaders, business leaders and political leaders, featured performances by local bands from across Israel, artistic video […]
The Federation of Local Authorities Conference 2012
This year, the theme of the convention was ‘Development in the Urban Area’, and it was produced in partnership with IDC Herzliya. In order to spark interest and involvement among our guests, we emphasized on picking speakers from all across the political spectrum, and thought extensively on the discussions’ subjects and the right way to […]